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Cosmetic Dentistry – St Johns, FL

Help Your Smile Shine
Once Again

A healthy tooth can still be misshapen, slightly cracked, or stained. As a result, you might be reluctant to smile even if your teeth are in overall good shape. With Dr. Cohen’s help, you can improve the shape and overall appearance of a tooth in such a realistic looking way that most people won’t even realize that you had dental work performed to create your current dazzling grin. Call us today to schedule a consultation and start planning your dream smile with cosmetic dentistry in St. Johns, FL.

Why Choose Julington Creek Family Dentistry for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Porcelain Veneers

Closeup of flawless smile after porcelain veneers and cosmetic dentistry

The flawless smiles in Hollywood are often the result of carefully crafted, fully customized porcelain veneers that have been placed on the front sides of the teeth. We can use veneers to hide multiple imperfections at once, meaning you can address all of your cosmetic concerns in one fell swoop. It takes just two appointments to use veneers to transform your grin: one to prepare the teeth, and the other to place the veneers themselves.

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Metal-Free Dental Crowns

Metal free dental crown on fingertip

Porcelain crowns are used on teeth where esthetics is very important. They are placed when a tooth is generally broken down or when old crowns need to be replaced. Since there is no metal used, with porcelain crowns there are no unsightly dark lines that can be seen when you smile. Although porcelain crowns are used predominantly on front teeth, there are now new high strength porcelain materials available that can be used on some back teeth.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Closeup of smile during cosmetic dental bonding treatment

Dental bonding is a process where tooth colored composite resin is bonded to the teeth. It is a conservative way to correct flaws in a smile. Bonding can be used to smooth out irregular edges, correct minor misalignments, and eliminate gaps between teeth. They can be placed in one appointment and will immediately transform your smile.

Tooth contouring and reshaping are simple procedures that are often used to correct minor imperfections such as teeth that are chipped, have irregular angles or are oddly shaped. Teeth that are uneven or slightly overlapping may also benefit from this treatment. It is usually a quick procedure that usually does not involve any anesthetic and can create a more attractive smile.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Closeup of smile after teeth whitening

A bright white smile can make a dramatic impact on your appearance. There are a variety of products and procedures available to help you improve the look of your smile. We offer in office whitening as well as custom dental whitening trays you can take with you and use at home. If you would like to improve the color of your smile, ask Dr. Cohen what treatment is best for you!

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Gum Recontouring

Smile before and after gum recontouring

Teeth that appear too short in the mouth might not actually be any smaller than usual. It could be that the gums are hiding more of the enamel than usual, and that can have a significant impact on the appearance of your smile.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

closeup of woman smiling

Patients who seek cosmetic dentistry often want to improve the appearance of their smile. Since it’s purely for aesthetic reasons, dental insurance doesn’t typically cover the overall price. As such, it makes sense why many people are concerned about the cost. We understand you only want to figure out what works best for your financial situation, which is why our team is prepared to help. Not only can we determine which service is right for you, but we can also assist you as you explore convenient payment options.

What Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

patient talking to dentist about cost of cosmetic dentistry

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry, it’s likely because you want to accomplish one or more things for your smile. Maybe you want whiter teeth, straighter teeth, or differently shaped/sized teeth. Whatever the case may be, we’ve got a solution that can help you achieve your dream look in no time.

Let’s take a closer look at some of our most popular services:

  • Teeth Whitening – Using a specialized bleaching formula, we can effectively lift even the most stubborn stains from your teeth. We can improve the color of your smile in as little as one appointment! This treatment is generally affordable, costing less than $1,000.
  • Dental Bonding – With this quick and relatively cost-effective service, you can address minor dental flaws and turn your smile into one you’re proud of. The only downside is that this treatment is not very durable, meaning you’ll have to get it redone every few years.
  • Veneers – Although this option is the most expensive one, it’s the only one capable of addressing multiple issues at once. Best of all, your results can last decades with proper care and maintenance.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

dentist looking at patient’s smile

We understand that cosmetic dentistry can feel like a significant financial commitment. However, it should be viewed as a worthwhile investment instead. Not only will you get a healthier smile, but you can more confidently flash your pearly whites. Other people may begin to see you as being more successful, approachable, and youthful. You’ll be surprised to see just how much an attractive smile can improve your overall quality of life!

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

patient discussing finances with dentist

Dental insurance doesn’t usually cover procedures that are purely elective in nature. Of course, there’s an exception if the service has obvious oral health benefits. In that case, your policy may cover at least a portion of the cost.

You can also take advantage of third-party financing to help make your cosmetic dental treatment more affordable. With CareCredit financing, you can split up the total cost into monthly payments to ensure you stay within your budget. These payment plans are designed to accommodate various budgets, allowing you to save as much money as possible.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Illuminated question mark

Cosmetic dentistry can turn the smile of your dreams into reality, but it is a big investment. It’s normal to have some concerns, but there’s nothing to fear. Your cosmetic dentist in St. Johns, Dr. Jonathan H. Cohan will explain everything during your consultation. While you wait for your appointment, feel free to contact our office to speak to a member of our dental team. You can also find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry below.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Cosmetic dentistry is rumored to be expensive, but you don’t have to be rich to enhance your smile. You have more options than ever before to address common concerns, like discoloration, chips, and gaps. Therefore, there’s a solution to fit your budget. Dr. Cohan also offers various financial solutions to keep a dazzling smile affordable for everyone.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t a single procedure. It consists of specific procedures that address aesthetics. Every procedure has a different life expectancy and many factors will affect the duration of your results. No matter the treatment, you can get the most from your investment by committing to good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Don’t forget to floss every day. Break any bad habits that can damage your teeth, like crunching ice or chewing on your fingernails. Don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess. Besides caring for your mouth at home, visit your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkup.

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

Dr. Cohan will keep your comfort as his top priority. Depending on your treatment plan, he may administer a numbing medication. You may feel some pressure or unusual sensations, but you won’t have any pain. Some procedures can cause temporary tenderness after the effects of any numbing agents wear off. You can manage it with an OTC pain reliever and eating soft foods. Dr. Cohan will review any additional recovery tips before you go home.

Can I Use My Dental Insurance for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Your dental insurance may cover some of the expenses for your consultation and diagnostic services. Your benefits may also include any preparatory procedures, like fillings or gum disease treatment. However, it is rare for dental insurance to pay for elective services, unless they are medically necessary, like fixing a chipped tooth. We will work on your behalf with your dental coverage to maximize any applicable benefits. Dr. Cohan accepts third-party financing to pay for any out-of-pocket expenses using a monthly payment plan.

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